
Nostalgia by: Gracey Brower, Charcoal on paper, 2015.

by: Gabriel Schmidtt

“Your teachers only punished you
Because you’re smarter than them.”
Whether or not it was true,
It’s still not something to tell
A seven year old boy.

“I’m sorry, dear.
I gave you my eyebrows.”
Of all the things you could have apologized for
You are only sorry
For my eyebrows.

“I only ever got one B in school,
But I was pretty ashamed of it.”
You’ve tried saying
My worth doesn’t depend on my grades,
But even you don’t believe it.

“You’re the good one.
I’m glad you didn’t end up like your sister.”
Well I’m sorry mother,
But my sister raised me
As much as you did.

“I hug you because you need it
Not because I want it.”
Thank you, Mother,
For making me human.
I wish I knew how to show you

I love you.

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