Elevate by: Jose Cuevas, Acrylic on Canvas, 2019
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Ryujin’s Train
There was no hesitation standing on the platform As the doors opened to the sound of a chime; Dragons boarded the train. Oh! It’s a man. A young man with an odd patch of white in his hair. Intrigued, she spoke. Only muffled sounds came out. He smiled. It was such a familiar and gentle smile. What is he saying? Only the sound of chimes rippled out of his mouth. Then realization imploded her mind. A dead end. The chimes start again. She glances at the young man. Fumes exhausted, the doors opened. Beyond the train, the smell of the afterlife emitted. She stands and walks towards the exit. As she takes a last glance, inner conflict ensues. The man looked as if he was grieving. What does that mean? Chimes burst her eardrums. In an instant everything became blurry. Filled with concern the man held out his hand and filled the cold air with warmth. She stares at the now small hand. In a moment of blink, the distance between them grew. She ran and lunged for his hand. “LIVE,” he shouted. The walls broke down and they were no sounds of chimes. Just the wail of new life. She looks down. Her hand firmly grasped. Raindrops fell from the sky. Both in sync with the Dragon’s cry.