Get out of your head

Presents are such delicate times.

Forcing ourselves to hurry,

And worry,

Just to enjoy what’s to come.

People dream just to come

back to an idea of paradise.

People live in their own time,

leaving out those who need them.

I tried to see them,

Those people who dream.

I tried to look past my own eyes,

But I myself was living in my own time.

Futures are such delicate times.

Forcing ourselves to wear out

our strength, we stay stuck in past eyes.

People tried to seek paradise in their own eyes.

People dream of keeping warm at the end of their time,

risking their present gift for a future life.

Get Out of Your Head, Page 2, begin new stanza

We are all rushing through this life.

Tearing at ourselves to finish the race

But this present is a gift,

don’t you see?

It’s an endless race

For you and me.


Let’s take our time.