Sanctified by: Douglas Vo, Acrylic on canvas, 2014
by: Lauren Hendon
The wave washes over me to cleanse my open spirit
Clouds collide, making clumps of cotton
Soaring along far, far above my head
Cold, calming water seeps into my pores
A ritual ablution as the sins float atop the water just like oil
The wave washes over me to cleanse my open spirit
Uncovering the brightness that was buried so deep
Sinking heights taking me lower, I watch the clouds
Soaring far, far above my head
Collapsing inside these walls, I can no longer hear the sky
Speaking loudly could have saved me, but my thick soul
Gets washed by the waves, oh so thoroughly
Pressure is released from my chest, pulling me up and out
Sucking in air, air as a new person
The wave washes over me to cleanse my open spirit
The strength now within me, I am capable
Of nearly anything, as long as
The wave washes over me to cleanse my open spirit