How much have I had to drink?
Pour me another shot.
The burn of my throat soothes me.
The fire that trickles down into my belly,
The only illumination
In this cave of a body.
I crave the warmth within the bottle.
Sucking on one every night before bed,
A lullaby I cannot live without.
A lack of innocence evident
Thanks to the runs in my pantyhose
And stains on my dress.
Never mind this disheveled hair,
Someone take my keys,
Pay no attention to these bloodshot eyes.
Does anyone have any mouthwash?
Tape my cheeks
To keep this grin wide.
I’ve found the most compassionate people
Are the strangers I meet in public restrooms,
And peace can be found at the back of a toilet.
Drop to my knees.
Salvation is for the desperate,
But I pray anyway.
To grow to be as resilient as my liver,
And I pray for stronger poison to quiet the demons,
Who threaten to devour what’s left of my humanity.